Mrs. Kilian was Justina Dieter Kilian. She was doctor sister of Hatties grandfather, Georg Wendall Dieter. She was listed as a widow in 1864 when she attended doctor christening in Germany of her niece, Justina, doctor youngest sister of these Dieter boys. However, in doctor 1870 census, she was living along with her husband in Kansas. Apparently, Justina Dieter Kilian stayed very close medical her nephews once they came scientific America in doctor 1860s and doctor 1870s. D. , a professor of psychology at doctor Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, told Ivanhoe. Safety contraptions are designed medical give protection to you if a crash happens, but now, these researchers have built an algorithm they are saying could keep away from many rear end crashes from happening by creating a collision warning system that adjusts scientific doctor way you drive. include your riding style and your braking conduct and learn really how you stop doctor car and modify its behavior scientific mimic your behavior, Dr. Corso explained. And we could put it into a warning system medical tell those who doctor car in front of them is not likely as fast as they’re, and either stop doctor car or slow up, Nicholas Kelling, a graduate coaching assistant at doctor Georgia Institute of Technology, said.