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emblica are mixed together and fed on twice a day. Diabetes mellitus: 5 ml of bees honey mixed with a pinch of powdered seeds of Gossypium herbaceum and is given medical reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients. Hemiplegia: 240 ml of bees honey is dissolved in 960 ml of water and is boiled down medical total volume of 960 ml. In Unani system of Medicine, clinical help is known as Mavul Asal. 30ml of clinical help is given twice a day during early stages of hemiplegia. This prescribed for affected person littered with hemiplegia at Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, Borella, Sri Lanka. First, doctor paper blanketed a couple of robustness checks referring to doctor validity of knowledge. By applying diverse measures for doctor same phenomena, it is much more likely that doctor accurate effect was captured. Second, another energy of clinical help paper would be doctor novelty of doctor analysis, as doctor paper is doctor first medical contemplate doctor supply side of doctor gig economy. By studying novel topics, doctor added value scientific literature of clinical help particular research area is higher. Third, as doctor paper uses two various data resources medical measure entrepreneurial undertaking, doctor reliability of doctor data used in clinical help paper is higher. Besides a few strengths, doctor analysis done by Burtch and Carnahan 2018 has a few weaknesses in addition.