Medical Journal Nursing Shortage

A few years back I was discussing this topic with an acquaintance and we both realized that a large part of the nursing shortage comes from a lack of good quality articles in medical journals. He said that when he was in school he always turned in his assignments on time but somehow never achieved the rank of doctor. Then one day he decided to go back to college and major in a different subject and earn a degree in nursing. When he finally reached his “brand new” degree, all of the sudden everything changed. He landed a position at a great hospital and the nurses there gave him so much chance that he decided to go into private practice.

I’ve also noticed this problem at my own nursing career. At one time, I was a part of a medical writing team that went out on a regular basis to medical journals to write up new articles. The end result was that there wasn’t a whole lot of fresh new medical material in those medical journals. That certainly didn’t help our shortage of nurses! The solution to this problem was to make sure the writers at my job wrote the articles first so there was a continuous flow of new content.

If you’ve ever had the fortunate experience of working in a medical journal, then you know how important the articles are to the operation of the medical organization. They are the main way that people learn about new treatments and procedures as well as how they are executed. Just read like a new study being conducted by a physician or a new drug being approved for use by the FDA, news about medical developments is a huge part of what keeps us going in a healthy way.

Obviously, I am not suggesting that you start sending out thousands of articles to medical journals on a regular basis. However, if you have a steady flow of new articles, you can begin to address some of the nursing shortage problem. Start by sending out short e-mail notices. Then gradually expand your coverage.

If you’re a nurse, or a person that wants to work in the nursing field, you need to make sure you are keeping up with the latest news. You need to be aware of what is happening in the world of nursing. Even though it’s not your field of expertise, you need to be aware of what’s going on. The world of nursing needs you to know what’s going on so you can be an informed consumer and help alleviate some of the nursing shortage.

When you send out articles regularly, be sure to make them easy to read. They should have large print and bulleted points. You need to make it easy for people to read and digest the article. If they don’t have time to read it, no one will. And that’s exactly what we want – people to read our articles and use them.

The same goes for medical journal articles. Nursing needs the world to read what we are writing. Articles need to be written clearly and concisely. We also want to make them as appealing as possible to readers. We want to keep our audience in mind at all times and that means we’ll want to use good grammar and language.

If you are a nurse and you know you are going to experience a shortage of nurses in the future, you might want to consider writing articles now. Keep up with the latest research and tips to make yourself more marketable in the nursing field. People who have nursing degrees do not know how to get into the field. If you have a degree, then you can make your career better. And that means more money in your pocket, which is always a good thing.